Left on-line
Solidarity with the Wharfies — Send solidarity greetings to the struggling wharfies of the Maritime Union of Australia at the . The Democratic Socialist Party is sponsoring a web site in support of the struggle against the union-breaking offensive of the Liberal government, Patrick stevedores and the National Farmers' Federation. Visit it for
James Connolly — Ireland's most famous Marxist revolutionary, Texts include: Labour in Irish History; The Re-Conquest of Ireland; Socialism and Nationalism; The Workers' Republic; and Insurrectionary Warfare.
MAI on Free Speech TV — The Multilateral Agreement on Investment promises to have as big an impact on workers and their families around the world as NAFTA and GATT. So why haven't we been hearing about it? If you have the RealAudio or RealVideo plug-in on your browser, find out at or
Attack of the cyber-guerillas I — Supporters of Mexico's Zapatista rebels have hacked into the Mexican Finance Ministry's home page and defaced it with anti-government propaganda. In an ironic reversal of George Orwell's famous phrase warning of government excess, one part of the message said, "We're watching you, big brother!". "We do not belong to the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, but we are freely expressing ourselves as Mexicans", said the message.
Attack of the cyber-guerillas II — According to a February 27 Reuters report, the US Pentagon and FBI are "investigating intense, successful efforts by computer 'hackers' this month to obtain information from US military computers". However, some commentators believe the government's dramatic claims are simply a way to convince people that more intrusive powers are needed to monitor electronic communications. "James Glave, a senior writer for Wired News, said he had seen no indication that there had been a recent hacking effort aimed at the Pentagon."
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