A wave of deep moral revulsion swept through everyone in this country with a social conscience after Labor PM Kevin Rudd uttered that ugly sentence: "This government makes no apology for a hard-line approach to people smuggling and border security."
We are back to Tampa. An "Indonesian solution" is being prepared to replace the "Pacific solution", as a Labor government leads a competition with the Liberal opposition to mine Australia's still deep-seated racism and xenophobia. Shame, Labor. Shame.
These politicians are total hypocrites. They parade as champions of human rights and the guardians of civilised values. But when a small boatload of poor and persecuted refugees approach Australian waters that posture goes out of the window.
These people are fleeing war and devastation that Western governments and corporations have supported or even caused. Hundreds of millions are driven to flee across borders.
In a single day, more refugees cross into the territory of some of the world's poorest countries than all those desperate people who have ever hazarded a journey in a small boat to Australia.
Imagine the outrage of these "civilised" Australian politicians if the nations bordering the world's war zones were to turn refugees away at gunpoint. But that's what the Australian navy is being forced to do by a Labor government.
So much hope, by so many people, was placed in the Rudd Labor government that it would turn its back on the ugly politics of the Howard era. Any moral credit earned by the much-celebrated apology to the Stolen Generations of Aboriginal people has well and truly been cancelled-out by Rudd's recent "no apology".
ΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½ Weekly voices the outrage of those who really stand for justice and truth. This voice sorely needs to be as loud and clear as possible at times like this.
GLW is building the movements that will allow us to break the two parties of the right monopoly in this country. But we can do this only with your help, including your financial help.
$8678 came in to the GLW Fighting Fund since the last issue, bringing the total raised so far this year to $187,490, which is 75% of our $250,000 target for this year. We need to raise just over $60,000 over the remaining months to get there. If you can help us get there please do.
A big thanks to all the supporters who have sent in donations, on a regular or occasional basis. You are responsible for 54% of the total raised so far this year.
The rest was raised through fund-raising events organised by our supporters. Please keep supporting those events. Chances are there is one taking place near you in the next two weeks (see the GLW web calendar).