Kumarangk demonstration planned
By John Nebauer
ADELAIDE — Activists opposing the building of the bridge to Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island) are planning a series of peaceful actions, following a green light to construction work given by the courts on October 26. About 60 activists attended an emergency action at the site in Amelia Park in Goolwa the following day.
The bridge to Kumarangk is on Ngarrindjeri land, in an area of great cultural and spiritual significance. It threatens the environment, particularly local native birds, a number of which are important totems for the Ngarrindjeri.
A picnic and information day is planned for Sunday, November 7, 11am-4pm, at Goolwa. A big action is planned for the weekend of November 20-21.
Activists are meeting on Thursdays at the Pilgrim Centre, 12 Flinders St, Adelaide, to plan the campaign. For more information phone Jen Linden on 8344 6719.