HOBART — "Save the Forests!" and "Corporate Greed!" were among the more polite greetings given to Prime Minister John Howard upon his arrival in the small Tasmanian town of Margate on May 12.
Howard was arriving to attend the launch of Liberal Party member Peter Hodgman's bid for federal parliament, and was accompied by Hodgman and Tasmanian Liberal leader Sue Napier.
Around 50 protesters braved a cold, early morning to demand an end to clear-felling of old-growth forests, chanting and waving placards and banners as cars arrived for the function.
When Howard's car arrived, police became violent, shoving several protesters who tried to press placards against the car's windows. One protester was punched by a police officer. Another, who was filming the scene was repeatedly pushed away by police, and threatened with arrest when he asked for the name of one officer.