Actions, protests & rallies

6:00pm Friday 14 February
Clow & Cleeland Street
Dandenong VIC
Come along to the next Free Palestine Dandenong rally, to show solidarity for Palestine in the South East!
We are demanding:
- A permanent ceasefire, with Israel withdrawing all its military from Gaza and the Occupied Territories, including the West Bank;
- Lifting the blockade on Gaza;
- A comprehensive arms embargo on Israel;
- Sanction Israel , including on the supply of weapons components and intelligence.
- The Australian government to invest millions in rebuilding Gaza;
- The expulsion of Israel’s ambassador and the recall of Australia’s ambassador from Tel Aviv;
- Australia to uphold the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant of Netanyahu; and
- The right of Palestinian refugees to resettle in their traditional homelands, with full rights.
Friday February 14, 6pm
Dandenong Market, Clow and Cleeland St