SYDNEY — The Ecocalendar is a quarterly listing of environmental and social ecology organisations and events. In addition to three months of events listed in a planner format, there is a listing of progressive organisations with their contact details.
The calendar includes a guide to regular radio shows dealing with environmental and social issues from gardening to Gay Waves as well as a planting calendar (asparagus crowns in August, sweet corn in September).
The July to September Ecocalendar is out now and available from Ecohouse Education Inc, PO Box 2038, Strawberry Hills 2012. All organisations wishing to be included in the October-December calendar are asked to fill out a form (on the back of the current Ecocalendar) and send it to Ecohouse Education Inc. The deadline for listing in the next edition is September 20.
The Ecocalendar is printed with the support of Green UTS (UTS Students' Association) and the UNSW Students Guild Environment Department.