East Timor protest in Blue Mountains
By Shane Bentley
SPRINGWOOD — On July 25, 40 people rallied here in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney to demand freedom for East Timor and an end to the violence against pro-independence East Timorese. Participants listened to speakers and planted paper doves, representing peace, in the park.
Medical practitioner Dr Kevin Baker, recently returned from East Timor, spoke about the atrocities carried out by anti-independence militias.
The disgraceful role of the Australian government in the repression of the people of East Timor was highlighted by Sister Susan Connolly from the Mary MacKillop Institute at St Marys. She urged Australians to call on the Australian government to boycott Indonesian products and cease financial aid to Indonesia.
A speaker from Amnesty International, Marie Clougston, disagreed with the call for a financial blockade.
The event, organised by St Aquinas Parish and Amnesty International, focused on lobbying politicians.