Melbourne activists gathered at Federation Square in the city centre on February 28 to voice their support for the All India General Strike. As many as 100 million workers had walked off the job in India to protest against low wages and poor working conditions in what is most likely the largest ever strike in human history.
As the crowd unfurled banners and flags, visiting US activist-musician George Mann and friends played unionist songs. The music got the protesters in the mood to hear addresses from members of the various labour organisations.
Of particular interest was the declaration that Indian workers are similarly concerned about the offshoring of jobs from other countries as they understand that it leads to greater exploitation in their own country and the loss of jobs worldwide.
If workers around the globe can unite in understanding that offshoring is beneficial to no one but the richest 1%, people will be in a much stronger position to defeat it.
After the speeches, protesters gathered together for a group photo to send to our comrades in India with the commitment to support them as they have supported us.