Democracy for Indonesia
This resolution was presented to the final plenary session on behalf of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor — ASIET.
This conference supports the valiant struggle of the pro-democracy movement in Indonesia to oust the dictator Suharto and his corrupt and repressive regime. We condemn the Australian government's support for the dictatorship and demand that all Australian aid to Suharto be withdrawn.
We also condemn the Liberal, National and Labor parties' vote in the Australian Senate on April 6 against the motion put by Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown, which expressed concern for the welfare of four members of the People's Democratic Party arrested by the Indonesian regime in recent weeks, and called on Suharto to ensure their safety and early and fair trials.
This conference supports the international campaign to free the political prisoners in Indonesia and endorses efforts to organise a national day of action in Australia on April 24 and an international day of action on August 22 as part of the campaign.