By Branny Schembri
MELBOURNE — It was announced on February 4 that the government is establishing a scheme for schools to be supported by private business donations and sponsorships. The project will be run by Alister Maitland, chairperson of the Education Trust, and the government's will contribute $300,000 by making donations tax exempt.
Premier Jeff Kennett has cut funding and closed schools; now he wants state schools to be run by companies (which can then train the students they finance to be mindless workers). But it's not all bad news: we can rest assured because this school sponsorship policy excludes companies linked to alcohol, tobacco and gaming from the deal.
Kennett could not care less about our crumbling education system. He has chosen to sweep these problems under the rug while sitting back, sipping a dry martini, as the private corporations run the show.
rotest against sexism
By Tania Jorquera
MELBOURNE — Resistance is organising an action against sexism on February 12. If you're sick of women suffering and dying from eating disorders, and if you're tired of being told by the media what you should look like, then come along, voice your opinion and help us publicise the International Women's Day march and rally.
During the speak-out, activists will stage a symbolic burning of sexist advertising.
Making it happen
By Bronwyn Powell
WESTERN SYDNEY — This year's Students and Sustainability (S&S) Conference will be held on July 12-16 at University of Western Sydney's Hawkesbury campus. It promises to be an interesting and activating conference, around the theme "Making It Happen". About 1000 people are expected to attend.
S&S is an annual environmentalists conference organised by students. The organising collective has decided on themes for the plenary sessions, including: indigenous people, local and international environmental campaigns, gender issues, sustaining self and strategies for environmental sustainability. Seminars and workshops will cover a variety of other topics. For more information, call Kerry at the Hawesbury campus.