Colombian trade unionist, Parmenio Poveda Salazar, is touring Australia to denounce human rights violations in his country.
His visit is being organised by Peace and Justice For Colombia (PJFC).
Poveda is a representative of the Federation of United National Agricultural workers unions, FENSUAGRO, the largest peasant and farm workers’ union federation in Colombia.
FENSUAGRO has been targeted by the Colombian state for voicing peasants’ and workers’ demands. Members have been imprisoned, murdered and threatened by paramilitaries. More than 1500 members have been assassinated in 32 years.
Many unionists in Australia would be aware of FENSUAGRO’s important work due to previous visits by its member Liliany Obando, who met many politicians, unions and social organisations.
Obando is now a political prisoner.
Poveda is addressing unions and public meetings to help build solidarity between FENSUAGRO and the Australian trade union movement.
Poveda has spoken in Melbourne and will be touring Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide this week. See the activist calendar for details.