- Issuing job seeker diaries (JSD) to all new claimants of Newstart and Youth Allowance. At the moment, less than half of the unemployed are issued with diaries.
- The number of required job search efforts has increased from eight to 10 per fortnight.
- Job seekers whose JSD is unsatisfactory will have their payment reduced and their work efforts checked with employers.
- Job seekers who leave part-time jobs without a reasonable excuse will have their payments reduced by 18%.
- Job seekers won't get paid until their job search efforts have been scrutinised by Centrelink contact officers.
- Centrelink will verify 5% of all job search efforts with employers.
- Further emphasis on job seekers' requirement to look for and accept any offer of suitable work, including part-time, casual, harvest or seasonal work and unattractive work.
- Newstart and Youth Allowance job seekers will be required to report four job search efforts rather than two on their fortnightly form.
- One contact per fortnight must be with a job network member.
- A "preparing for work" information seminar and a handbook on effective job searching will be given to all job seekers.
It is difficult to see how many of these changes will be implemented given the Coalition government's slashing of 5000 jobs from Centrelink. A recent Centrelink survey showed that the vast majority of employees said they were ashamed to say that they worked for the organisation. Many Centrelink employees have said they are unhappy with the extra workload these changes will generate.