Brisbane Watch-house picket
By Lynda Hansen
BRISBANE — One hundred people gathered outside the Brisbane City Watch-house on Sunday, January 16, the same lockup to which Daniel Yock was brought after being arrested late last year.
The protesters called for an end to the ongoing harassment by Queensland police force against the Murri community in the wake of last week's storming of a Murri West End hostel.
Police claim that they were called in response to a suspected armed robber being on the premises. When queried by the Murri Legal Service the police changed their story to an outrageous tale that a single Murri had threatened 16 police officers with a baseball bat.
Ongoing actions against such bullying and harassment are planned up to and after the Criminal Justice Commission inquiry into Daniel Yock's death, which resumes on February 3. They will continue to be held outside the Brisbane City Watch-house at 5 p.m. on Sunday afternoons.