Spinifex Man — The life of the Indigenous theatre and film actor, Trevor Jamieson. ABC, Friday, May 1, 6pm.
Guests of the Ayatollah — In the Iran hostage crisis, the military was authorised to rescue the hostages by force. The mission failed tragically. SBS, Friday, May 1, 8.35pm.
Mr Brown — Puts James Brown's career in the context of the upheavals occurring in Black society in the US during his period of popularity. SBS, Saturday, May 2, 1pm.
12 Canoes — A compelling portrait of the people, history, culture and place of the Yolngu people whose homeland is the Arafura Swamp of north-central Arnhem Land. ABC, Sunday, May 3, 1.30pm.
Living Country — Aboriginal people of Central Australia are campaigning to protect their homeland, animals, dreaming sites and stories from two proposed uranium dump sites. ABC, Monday, May 4, 3.20am.
Devil's Bargain — Small arms are the real weapons of mass destruction: killing more than half a million people a year. SBS, Tuesday, May 5, 8.30pm.
The Devil Came on Horseback — The violence and tragedy of the genocide in Darfur, through the eyes of a US military observer. SBS, Tuesday, May 5, 10pm.
Media Watch 20 Years — Media Watch turns 20 and revisits the best moments of the thorn in the side of the Australian media. ABC, Thursday, May 7, 8.30pm.