Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522.
Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Ph 9633 6976.
The Factory — Assembly line workers try, through their union, to get compensation for repetitive strain injury and loss of hearing. SBS, Friday, December 4, 12.30pm.
Calling the Ghosts — This award-winning program is an intimate story of two women from Bosnia-Hercegovina who were caught in a war in which rape was as much a weapon as bullets and bombs. The women's personal struggle for survival was transformed into a larger fight for justice. SBS, Friday, December 4, 1.15pm.
Keeping a Live Voice — As South Africa held its first democratic parliamentary elections in April 1994, neighbouring Zimbabwe was celebrating 14 years of independence from British rule. This documentary asks Zimbabweans from every walk of life what they have gained from independence and what their hopes are for the future. SBS, Friday, December 4, 8pm.
The Cola Conquest: Coca-Colonisation — The final episode covers the furore in France in 1950 when intellectuals and wine-growers tried to keep Coke out, fearful of the effect of the "Americanisation" of French culture. In Guatemala, death squads kill 12 leaders of the fledgling Coca-Cola union. Through "pattern" advertising, Coke appeals to universal human emotions, offering a piece of the US to the poor Third World, who can ill afford the expense. Today the company sees its future in new markets like China. ABC-TV, Saturday, December 5, 9.30pm.
Martin Luther King: Days of Hope — Examines the FBI-inspired slander campaign against the assassinated African-American civil rights leader. ABC-TV, Tuesday, December 8, 8.30pm.
Our Park — Whites Creek Valley Park is a unique example of a community-run space in midst of the hustle and bustle of Sydney's inner-west. This doco, in the vein of Rats in the Ranks, allows the viewer to experience the rough and ready politics that erupt over conflicts of interest between local residents and park users. SBS, Wednesday, December 9, 8pm.