Big business pays for its parties but who pays for a socialist campaign?
Labor and Liberal can afford expensive advertisements in the mass media mainly because they are given millions of dollars by big business. Last year the Libs received more than $6.5 million in donations from their capitalist mates and the ALP received about a third of that. With an election on they will get even more.
Parties like the Democratic Socialists, which campaign directly against capitalism, obviously won't get donations from big business. Our people's campaign — of Senate tickets in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, SA and WA and 13 lower house seats — has to be financed through people's donations. We need your help now.
[ ] I would like to donate $1000/$500/$100/$50/$____
[ ] Send me more information about the Democratic Socialists' election campaign
Donations of up to $100 to the Democratic Socialist Electoral League are tax deductible
Mail donations to Democratic Socialist Electoral League, PO Box 348, Broadway NSW 2007
Authorised by P.Boyle, 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale, NSW 2008.