S11 benefits
CANBERRA — Several hundred people enjoyed two benefit concerts here, on August 19 and 23, to raise funds for the Canberra S11 Alliance. The concerts featured local bands, including Iron Sausage, Recalcitrate, The Bigots, Jedis on Crack, Katyusha, how now?, Imago and Jacqui Nield.
Activists on the "long walk" for Aboriginal justice from Lake Eyre in SA encouraged the audience at the Rage against Corporate Tyranny on August 23 to protest in Melbourne on September 11 and in Sydney at the Olympics.
Opposition to cuts grows
MELBOURNE — Around 100 students marched to the office of La Trobe University vice-chancellor Michael Osborne on August 23 to demand that cuts to funding and staff be reversed. Another rally is planned for October 5 at 1pm. To get involved in the campaign, phone Chris on 0401 081 856.
Polluting stack blockaded
SYDNEY — Residents Against Polluting Stacks (RAPS) rounded off a week of protests against the construction of the M5 East underground motorway ventilation stack in Turella on August 26 with a protest family day. The stack will spew out pollutants from an estimated 10,000 cars a day into Turella and the surrounding Cooks River valley in Sydney's inner south-west.
The day followed a week of early morning blockades of the construction site, adjacent to Turrella Railway Station, in which some residents were arrested, including Marrickville councillor Sylvia Hale. The RAPS blockade continues from 6.30-8am daily in Henderson Street, Turrella. All supporters are welcome.
Olympic sponsors targeted
SYDNEY — Activists are planning to protest outside Nike and McDonald's in Auburn on September 1. The protest, only a few minutes from the Homebush Olympic stadium, is being organised by the western Sydney branch of Resistance.
Romawaty Sinaga from the Indonesian National Front for Workers Struggle will be speak about the treatment of workers in Indonesia by Nike.
Protesters will meet at Station Park, across the road from Auburn Railway Station, at 3.30pm and march to the corner of Parramatta Road and Silverwater Road, where a McDonald's outlet and Nike factory store are located. For more information, phone 9687 5134 or email <sydwest@greenleft.org.au>.