Action updates
SA: the nuclear state
ADELAIDE — On February 11, 50 people gathered outside the Hyatt Hotel to protest against an international nuclear industry conference. The focus of the protest was on the uranium trial at Beverley. The mine has been approved by the state Liberal government without an environmental impact statement.
The importance of the issue was highlighted by the announcement that morning that South Australia is the federal government's preferred location for a national nuclear waste dump. The proposed dump, to be constructed by the year 2000, would be located at Billa Kalina in far-north SA and would cover 2.25 square kilometres.
Sea of hands
MELBOURNE — Around 400 people attended the DONT (Defenders of Native Title) "sea of hands" here on February 23.
The gathering heard musicians and speakers on issues of native title and reconciliation. Speakers focused on the government's Wik legislation, due to be reintroduced to parliament this week.
Indonesia solidarity
PERTH — Around 20 people attended an ASIET public meeting and video screening at the Resistance Centre on February 21. ASIET member Kathy Newnam spoke about the developing movement for democracy in Indonesia and the impact of the current economic crisis.
After the screening of One Struggle, One Change, the meeting discussed the situation of the political prisoners in Suharto's jails and decided to produce information for International Woman's Day about Dita Sari, Indonesia's only woman political prisoner.