Protest targets Kleenex
MELBOURNE — Residents from the Otway Ranges Environment Network and students from the Cross Campus Environment Network staged an anti-woodchipping protest on April 22 outside the Melbourne sales offices of Kimberly Clark Australia, the manufacturer of Kleenex tissues. The demonstration opposed the clear-fell logging of the Otway State Forest to supply woodchips for the production of Kleenex tissues.
Banners were hung over the building and a giant Kleenex tissue toilet roll dropped off the roof as Otways residents presented a list of demands. These included a request that the US based multinational immediately stop sourcing woodchips from native forests and move to more environmentally sustainable sources such as plantation timber.
Picket against Up-front fees
BRISBANE — On April 17, around 150 students picketed against the introduction of up-front fees outside the University of Queensland senate. The UQ administration has released a discussion paper on the "expansion of fee-supported study options for Australian students", and the senate plans to discuss the issue in early June. The picket was organised by the Education Action Group.
Critical Mass in Hobart
HOBART — About 150 cyclists and skaters took part in Hobart's first "Critical Mass" action during evening peak hour traffic on April 24, starting at Franklin Square and going around the streets of the city centre. The ride, which will be repeated on the last Friday of every month, was loud and spirited. Its aim was to reclaim city streets for non-motorised transport.
There was a heavy police presence after the rally, with participants being made to give their names and addresses and questioned as to who had organised the event.
Feminism and Socialism Seminar
BRISBANE — On the weekend of May 10-11, the Democratic Socialist Party is hosting a Feminism and Socialism Seminar, including four major panels and feature talks: The Origins of Women's Oppression; Our Bodies, Our Lives; Feminism, Past, Present and Future; and Women Fight Back.
Workshops will include Feminism and Revolution; Women, Race and Class; Women in Indonesia; Market Feminism v Marxist Feminism; and Pornography and Censorship. Saturday night will feature the film on the life of Frida Kahlo, Frida — Naturaleza Viva. The seminar, at the Resistance Centre, 29 Terrace St, New Farm, costs $20/15. Phone 3254 0565 for bookings.
Queer Invasion
ADELAIDE — Queer Invasion, a week celebrating gay and lesbian pride organised by the Pride Collective, will take place on Adelaide University from May 5 to 10. It will combine art, music, politics and social events.
The week will be launched by performer Marree Wilson on the Barr Smith Lawns, followed at 6pm by a first anniversary celebration of the gay and lesbian space, the Rainbow Room. A public forum on May 7 will look at the direction of the gay and lesbian movement. Out, the gay and lesbian collective at Flinders Uni, is organising a fair day in the Plaza on May 7, noon-2pm. A major fundraiser, Pride Dance Party, on Saturday, May 10, will end the week. For more information, phone Michael on 8340 0602.
Indonesia video draws good crowd
BRISBANE — More than 100 people packed the Resistance Centre here on April 12 for the premiere of There is only one word: Resist!, the documentary on the pro-democracy movement in Indonesia.
The premiere was sponsored by Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor. Jennifer Acklin of ASIET and Zanny Begg from the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance, who recently visited Indonesia, spoke about the struggle of the anti-dictatorship movement and the role of the People's Democratic Party. The night concluded with a performance by local band Relish.
For information about future screenings, phone Nick on (07) 3254 0565.