Boycott Burma campaign
SYDNEY — Campaigners for a tourism boycott of Burma claimed a victory on November 18 following a protest outside the Ultimo office of STA Travel. The dictatorial SLORC regime has launched a "Visit Myanmar" campaign.
A brochure distributed by the company proposed Burma as a destination, and it also cooperated with travel agencies promoting tourism there. After an hour of leaflet distribution, speeches, chants and negotiations, the managing director advised that the company would join the boycott efforts.
Picket to save Telstra
BRISBANE — Members of the Community and Public Sector Union picketed a Telstra office on November 20 to protest the Howard's government's plans to sell off one third of Telstra. "The announcement to shed 23,000 jobs was made on the same day as the recording of a record $2.7 billion profit", declared CPSU delegate Phillippe Dupey.
"In every instance [of privatisation], the consumer faces increased costs, staff are reduced and unions are attacked", declared Greg Brown, a delegate in DASFLEET. Department of Social Security call centre worker and CPSU delegate Jim McIlroy said that the CES is now facing extinction with the privatisation of employment case management. "The entire public sector as we know it is under attack", McIlroy declared. "A public sector-wide campaign of action is required to defeat privatisation."