NTEU dispute
CANBERRA — Fifty ANU staff and students gathered on February 28 to hear speakers condemn the Labor government's handling of the NTEU pay dispute. While all speakers were defiant and stood with the NTEU line, there were many who expressed reservations about the NTEU national handling of the dispute. One of the worries raised was that the ANU and the University of Canberra would tire of the struggle before the NTEU spread the dispute to other campuses.
IWD benefit gig
MELBOURNE — On February 24, Hecate, Tuff Muff, Penelope Swayles and other top female performers played for the International Women's Day benefit gig. Rascals Hotel in Richmond was filled to the limit as 250 people crammed in to listen to great music, drink and talk politics. The IWD collective raised $250 from the night.
Migrant English teachers win
SYDNEY — Teachers have succeeded in their campaign against the threatened closure of the Auburn Adult Migrant English Service and its amalgamation with Parramatta AMES. The Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (DIEA) has accepted the arguments in favour of the centre continuing to operate and is going to renew the lease, allowing the service to operate at existing levels. DIEA's back-down came after an extensive struggle mainly led by Auburn and Parramatta members of the AMES Teachers Association of the NSW Teachers Federation. The positive result shows that united and consistent action can bring gains, even at a time of persistent government attacks.
Brisbane IWD
BRISBANE — International Women's Day on March 9 will begin with a rally at King George Square at noon. After the march to Musgrave Park in South Brisbane, there will be a festival from 1.30 to 5pm, with many different stalls including food, merchandise and information. Featured speakers include Luz Mendez from the Guatemalan revolutionary group URNG. Entertainment will include musical performances and street theatre. Everyone's local favourite, ISIS, will play at both the rally and festival. The celebrations continue with a women's only dance at QUT Campus Club, Gardens Point, starting at 8pm. DJs include Sonia, Heather, Agnes and Marissa; cost is $7/5. Child-care will be available for the whole day as well as the dance. For more details contact Lisa, 3228 2685 or Beryl, 3221 0144.
Grand Prix alternative
Antonia's Line is being screened as an alternative event to the Grand Prix by the Melbourne International Women's Day collective and New Vision film distributors as an IWD fundraiser on Sunday, March 10, noon at the Cinema Nova.
Sydney teachers vote to strike
SYDNEY — Teachers, whose pay in real terms has decreased 25% since 1975, held stop-work meetings on February 22 to discuss action on a 12% pay claim by the NSW Teachers Federation. The state Labor government is offering pay rises of only 3% in the case of TAFE in return for "productivity increases", and has refused to rule out increasing class sizes to "offset" a pay rise. The federation has rejected any productivity conditions, and at the stop-work meetings members voted for a one-day strike on March 7. The socialist youth organisation Resistance has called on students to demonstrate outside and occupy the Education Department on March 7 in solidarity with the pay claim and to demand smaller classes, better resources and freedom for political expression. Phone 690 1977 for more details.