Treaty Before Sports and Demilitarise EDU is coming together to bring you a night of panel talks and live music at Jagera Community Hall, to strengthen local organising for Indigenous Solidarity with the growing global movements for resistance, justice and liberation.
Funds raised will be going towards Brisbane Sovereign Embassy's Aboriginal Solidarity Delegation to Kanaky ("New Caledonia"), as the Indigenous Kanak are currently fighting in the latest uprising against the French Colonial powers. This must be understood through the lens of the French repressing and stalling Kanaky's decolonisation process, as the French Authorities have deployed an French army and banned the social media app TikTok, in a attempt to stifle the growing resistance and education for Kanaky self-determination, human rights and racial justice.
The solidarity between Melanesian People to Aboriginal People are connected through pre-colonial trade and culture, and also through experiences of European colonists abuses of power via Blackbirding, which was the large scale stealing of and enslavement of people to work in Queensland and northern News South Wales in sugar cane, cotton, and coffee plantations.
Our panel for the night is under the theme of "Indigenous Solidarity, what does that mean to us?" and joining us will be Palestinian speaker Remah Naji from Yaffah, veteran Brisbane Black "Uncle Wayne Coco", and more speakers to be announced from West Papua and Aotearoa.
Guest Artists that will be performing are:
Ethan Enoch
West Papua artists tba.
Panel starts at 5:30pm
Music starts at 7pm
Event finishes at 9pm